Welcome to our interdisciplinary project

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Genetics has advanced technologically in history, being a fairly broad, relevant, and important topic, that is why this interdisciplinary project is intended to expand our knowledge in various areas such as Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, and even in the area of English.

The interdisciplinary project has been developing for five days during the classes of each subject. First, the general objective was chosen in classes, then each member of the group helped to compose the specific objectives. The introduction and the background gave the base for the project, and it demonstrated the previous knowledge with excellent teamwork. Besides, the theoretical framework is part of research to go into depth and cover more knowledge on the subject of Genetics and Inheritance. 

This webpage is the final product of the interdisciplinary project, which is a good way to show effort, creativity, and teamwork. There will be exercises, videos, concepts, images, GIFs, and a lot of original imagination. All the subjects are intertwined with Genetics and Inheritance, therefore you will find a little bit of its history, well-known scientists, mathematicians, and authors to get to know what is now the reality of the characteristics of progenitors and the next generations with the advancement of technology.

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